5 Tips for Getting Quality Backlinks to Your Website for Better SEO Performance
Backlinks are like votes of confidence for your website. The more you’ve got from trusted sites, the higher your SEO ranking will climb. These links, which serve as a cornerstone of search engine optimisation (SEO) campaigns, figure heavily in driving targeted traffic to a website and determining its domain authority and rank.
The act of backlinking refers to the process of placing hyperlinks on other websites with the goal of directing users to your website. These inbound links tell Google that your content is worth linking to. In addition, getting an established website’s endorsement can help your brand gain credibility and consumer trust. This, in turn, can keep your website the top-of-mind option for organisations and individuals that require your products, services, or niche knowledge.
How is Backlinking Done?
A trusted SEO services provider can lean on several strategies to offer businesses like yours high-quality backlinks. As part of our bespoke SEO campaign for your New Zealand- or Australia-based business, for example, we can employ the following techniques to acquire backlinks and ensure that these efforts translate to tangible benefits for your organisation.
Focus on Creating Quality Content That Other Websites Will Want to Link To
Create content that people actually want to link to. Not just any content, but stuff that answers burning questions or solves a problem that your readers have. That’s how you’ll earn those valuable backlinks.
Articles, ebooks, infographics, or videos that answer common questions or offer expert insights can serve as reliable sources that readers and other content creators will want to link back to. Adding a hyperlink from their website to yours lets these users show where they got their information. It also serves as a recommendation on where to get similar content. This gives your organisation the added benefit of building a reputation as a leader in your field.
More than easy access to insider knowledge, you need to understand what your readers need to provide them with engaging and useful content. Identify the content format that is best suited for delivering the information you want to impart. If website visitors want to understand how a certain product is processed before it’s ready for the market, for example, you can post a guide that tackles every step. In case they want to use the said guide as a reference for their own articles, these readers can post a hyperlink on their websites that leads to yours.
Write Articles for Reputable Websites with Deep Connections in Your Industry
Getting your content featured on a respected site in your field? That’s gold for SEO. It’s a win-win for everyone, too, as your article helps the said website’s audience, and you get a valuable backlink in return. Using this strategy means posting an article, one with an inbound link to your website, on another person or organisation’s website. The benefit goes both ways since you can get a link from a trusted website, while the website can post a high-quality article that offers in-depth knowledge to its respective audience.
Identify Broken Links on Other Websites and Fix Them
It’s possible that a portion of the existing backlinks to your website no longer work as intended. This can happen when a linked page on your website has been deleted or its URL structure has changed without proper redirection. Users who click on these links are directed to an error page instead of finding your website, which can subsequently dampen their experience.
The good news is that it’s possible to fix these broken links and make them work again. First, you need to identify them by using a tool like Ahrefs that can scan your website for such irregularities. Then, you can reach out to the owners of the websites where these broken links are posted and work together to fix the issue. This partnership allows webmasters to improve user experience on their website, while your website can regain endorsements from authoritative sources.
Offer to Write Testimonials and Reviews for Products and Services Your Business Uses
Not all backlinking techniques need to be resource-intensive. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-written review. Share your thoughts on products you use and post these reviews online. This is an easy win for backlinks, plus it’s a great way to build relationships with other businesses.
Many business websites feature testimonials from their current and former clients. Take this chance to build better relationships with other businesses and get backlinks from reputable websites. Post an honest review, and make sure to focus the write-up on the products or services that your business uses. You can add the link to your website in your by-line or include it in the body of the review.
Participate in Collaborative Projects That Can Be Linked Back to Your Website
Being an active participant in industry events such as case studies, webinars, or even charity activities can make it easier for your businesses to find opportunities for backlinking. Collaborating with companies that complement what your brand offers allows you to reach a shared audience. At the same time, you’ll have the opportunity to include backlinks to your website on the promotional materials for the event.
Partner with Author Digital and Maximise the Benefits of Quality Backlinks
We know that getting the right backlinks is more important than getting loads of them. Our bespoke digital marketing agency in New Zealand makes it a point to obtain backlinks from industry-specific websites or those that are closely related to your company’s niche. This signals to search engines that your content is highly relevant and valuable to that particular field, thus improving your chances of appearing in related searches and reaching an audience that is specifically interested in what your business has to offer.
Let’s work together to widen your brand’s reach. Get in touch with us today by leaving a message on our contact page.
A note
Henry Blackwell
Henry Blackwell is a marketing professional. He has spent the last 10 years working in-house and within agencies, growing profitable businesses through brand and customer-centric digital marketing in New Zealand, Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe.
“My approach to marketing is a combination of heart and head. My heart brings an empathetic and intuitive approach to deeply understanding the qualitative requirements of marketing that many simply do not care to do. My head brings an analytical mindset that leverages data-driven insights to deliver profitable performance for the businesses I work with.
This skill set allows me to deliver systematic customer acquisition, conversion, and retention.”
– Director